View Learn.Genetics Materials

Ways Proteins Make You

Ways Proteins Make You

Through 12 examples, this interactive shows how teams of proteins can work together to build the body and make it work.

Suggested Implementation
  1. Assign as many or as few protein examples as you wish and structure the exploration of this piece any way you see fit. It is not important that students learn about each example, just that they understand that proteins work together to build traits.
    • Assign 3-4 examples to each student.
    • Let students choose 3-4 examples to explore
    • Some form of a jigsaw where students are sharing information about different examples with one another.
  2. Have students explore individually or in pairs.
  3. Use the discussion prompts below and/or develop something (e.g., a worksheet, exit ticket, etc.) with your own questions for students to turn in.
Tips from Teachers
  • "Adding a graphic organizer helped students to organize the information. I included a table with a column for the process, the name of the protein, the function of the protein, and common traits."
  • "I made a google doc to go with the way proteins make you. A table just to describe how the proteins work so when I eventually get to body systems, I can refer back to this module. I wanted to make sure I included some of the most important proteins tied to our standards."
Learning Objectives
  • Proteins work together to build traits.
  • A protein carries out a specific job, which affects an individual's traits.
Misconceptions to Watch For

Students may have heard about dietary protein. But many don’t realize that all living things make their own proteins, or that these proteins help to shape traits.

Materials Needed

Student devices, headphones


Ways Proteins Make You

Extension or Discussion

Choose an example from the interactive and discuss possible "difference makers."