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Using Learn.Genetics Resources in Jamboard

These instructions show how to set up a Google Jamboard as an alternative to a paper modeling activity. They use the influenza images from the activity Hijacked Cells! as an example.

The same images can be used with various platforms to allow students to manipulate the model and cutouts. Once your space is set up, you can invite your students to collaborate.

Other activities featured in this video:


  1. Locate the ZIP file, download it to your computer, and open it.
  2. Open Jamboard and click on the + icon in the bottom right to create a new board.
  3. Click on the Add Image icon in the toolbar on the left and, in turn, select each of the images from the ZIP file.

QUICK TIP: Some cutouts require multiples of the same image. Just bring in one of each image and after resizing, you can quickly duplicate images by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right and choosing “duplicate.”

Jamboard instructions for adding images.

The board will look like this after you first add the images. The scale is off so you will need to resize them.

  1. On the cell model image, click on the 3 dots and choose “Order” and “Send to back.”
  2. Make the cell model larger. Leave a couple cm at the top.
  3. Make the cutouts smaller, to match their relative sizes in the instructions.
  4. Make the instructions larger, to make them more readable.
Jamboard instructions for resizing images.

The board should look like this after you resize the images.

Now your students can manipulate the model as instructed!